
Updating Your Bathroom? 3 Reasons To Consider Installing A Glass Shower Door


Whether you have a custom shower or bathtub, you may sometimes not be sure whether you should invest in shower curtains or a glass shower door. However, most people choose glass shower doors because they have a lot of benefits compared to shower curtains. These doors are a little more expensive than the curtains, but they are an incredible addition to your bathroom. So if you plan to remodel your bathroom, it's advisable to install a glass shower door instead of buying new shower curtains, and here are the reasons.

19 November 2021

Auto Glass Repair: 3 Signs That You Should Never Ignore


As a driver, you know that the windshield plays a major role when driving. Without it, you wouldn't be able to fully concentrate on the road due to the strong wind and debris hitting your face. Your car would also not perform as it should due to the drag caused by the pressure imbalance in the cabin. To ensure safety on the road, you need to do all it takes to keep your windshield in good shape.

12 August 2021

How To Know When It’s Time for a Sliding Glass Door Replacement


If you have a sliding glass door in your home that opens to your yard, you should consider having the door replaced if it's giving you certain problems. You might think that you can just live with a faulty sliding glass door, but failing to replace it could make your home less secure and create bigger problems that might eventually make your door impossible to open and close. Here are some telltale signs that it's time for a sliding glass door replacement.

1 July 2021

4 Things to Remember When Planning a Glass Shower Door Installation Project


Are you planning a bathroom improvement project? It is a great idea to install glass shower doors because they add unique style, depth, and class to various bathroom designs. Unlike bathroom curtains that don't require a lot of consideration, research, and thinking, glass shower doors need attention to details. Since shower glass doors are relatively pricier and delicate, it is advisable to arm yourself with a few tips that can influence your choice.

19 May 2021

Why You Shouldn't Attempt DIY But Hire Glass Replacement Professionals


Handling large pieces of glass without requisite training and experience is a recipe for disaster. The most likely scenario is that you will break the glass, causing even more damage. The worst-case scenario is that you could get hurt by shards of glass. It is tempting to attempt DIY glass replacement, especially for home windows. But this is most likely to end badly. It is better to have glass replacement services handle this delicate and risky task.

7 April 2021

Does Your Office Get Too Hot In Summer? There Could Be An Easy Solution


As summer approaches you begin to remember all of the wonderful activities it will hopefully bring with it and forget about some of the negatives. One of the most prominent of those negatives being just how hot the inside of your office building can get in the middle of summer. It can seem unusual, especially if other areas of the building like the parking lot or foyer do not heat up as much but there could be a very simple answer: the windows.

12 February 2021

Be Prepared: 4 Ways Winter Can Ruin Your Windows


Cold weather is finally here. Now that it is, you need to start paying attention to your windows. You might not realize this, but your windows can suffer serious damage during the winter months. Before the weather gets much worse, read the information provided below. Here are four winter-related window issues you need to watch for.  Cracks When you think of cracked windows, you probably don't think of winter weather. What you might not realize is that freezing temperatures can cause your windows to develop small stress fractures.

8 December 2020

Adding A Frameless Shower Enclosure To Your Bathroom


Adding a shower enclosure to your bathroom is one upgrade that can make the bathroom a more functional space while also adding to the appeal of the home. While there are a couple of different types of shower enclosures that you can use, frameless options can offer some important benefits that may give them the edge when it comes time to make a decision for your home. Reduced Risk Of Leaking

24 September 2020

3 Window Glass Issues That Repair Contractors Can Address


The windows play an important role in your home from a functional and visual standpoint. Eventually, you may run into issues with them. These problems, in particular, can be addressed by window glass repair specialists.  Cracks One of the more severe problems that can happen with your window glass is for cracks to develop. It's important that you address these issues before the cracks have the chance to get bigger or the glass actually shatters.

8 July 2020

Top Services Offered By Auto Glass Companies


In the past, you might have never had to deal with any issues with your auto glass. Therefore, you might have never used the services of an auto glass company. Now, though, you might be dealing with a problem with your auto glass, or you might just be curious about what these companies do. These are a few examples of the top services that auto glass companies often offer. In-Shop Auto Glass Replacement

26 June 2020